The Windows Runtime

After nearly 2 years of not being able to tell anyone what I was working on – or even the name of the team I was on! – //build is finally here and the Windows 8 developer preview is finally out there in the open for everyone to start building applications for. You have NO idea how hard it’s been for me to keep my mouth shut and blog quiet about this!

I am a program manager on the Runtime Experience team, one of many teams in the Windows division building Windows 8. Our team is responsible for building the underlying infrastructure that powers the Windows Runtime (or WinRT for short). In particular, I work on the WinRT metadata infrastructure. I also work closely with our partners in Developer Division that use the metadata to project WinRT APIs into multiple languages.

In a nutshell, WinRT is the new API surface area for Metro style apps in Windows 8. WinRT APIs are available across multiple languages – C#, Visual Basic, C++ and JavaScript – enabling developers to build Metro style apps using the language and frameworks they are most familiar with. Much, much more info is available on the new Windows Dev Center.

In addition to the developer preview docs for WinRT, there are several sessions at //build focusing on WinRT – what it is, how it works under the covers, and how you use it from the various languages. Here’s a handy list of all the //build sessions you should check out if you want to know more about WinRT:

As I write this, not all the sessions have been delivered and none of them are available online yet. But they should all be online within a couple of days. Also, you can also get more information as well as ask questions over at the Windows Dev Center Forums. Our dev manager has already been very busy answering questions!

I am so excited that you can finally see what we’ve been working on and I can wait to see what you build with Windows 8!

Using Task in ASP.NET MVC Today

I’ve been experimenting with the new async support coming in the next version of C# (and VB). I must say, I’m very impressed. Async is one of those things you know you’re supposed to be doing. However, traditionally it has taken a lot of code and been hard to get right. The new await keyword changes all that.

For example, here’s an async function to download the Twitter public timeline:

public async Task PublicTimelineAsync()
  var url = "";
  var xml = await new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);
  return XDocument.Parse(xml);

That’s not much more difficult that writing the synchronous version. By using the new async and await keywords, all the ugly async CPS code you’re supposed to write is generated for you automatically by the compiler. That’s a huge win.

The only downside to async is that support for it is spotty in the .NET Framework today. Each major release of .NET to date has introduced a new async API pattern. .NET 1.0 had the Async Programming Model (APM). .NET 2.0 introduced the Event-based Async Pattern (EAP). Finally .NET 4.0 gave us the Task Parallel Library (TPL). The await keyword only works with APIs writen using the TPL pattern. APIs using older async patterns have to be wrapped as TPL APIs to work with await. The Async CTP includes a bunch of extension methods that wrap common async APIs, such as DownloadStringTaskAsync from the code above.

The async wrappers are nice, but there are a few places where we really need the TPL pattern plumbed deeper. For example, ASP.NET MVC supports AsyncControllers. AsyncControllers are used to avoid blocking IIS threads waiting on long running I/O operations – such as getting the public timeline from Twitter. Now that I’ve been bitten by the async zombie virus, I want to write my async controller methods using await:

public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
    var t = new Twitter();
    var timeline = await t.PublicTimelineAsync();
    var data = timeline.Root.Elements("status")
        .Elements("text").Select(e => e.Value);
    return View(data);

Unfortunately, neither the main trunk of MVC nor the MVC futures project has support for the TPL model [1]. Instead, I have to manually write some semblance of the async code that await would have emitted on my behalf. In particular, I have to manage the outstanding operations, implement a continuation method and map the parameters in my controller manually.

public void IndexAsync()
    var twitter = new Twitter();

        .ContinueWith(task =>
            AsyncManager.Parameters["timeline"] = task.Result;

public ActionResult IndexCompleted(XDocument timeline)
    var data = timeline.Root.Elements("status")
        .Elements("text").Select(e => e.Value);
    return View(data);

I promise you, writing that boilerplate code over and over gets old pretty darn quick. So I wrote the following helper function to eliminate as much boilerplate code as I could.

public static void RegisterTask<T>(
    this AsyncManager asyncManager,
    Task<T> task,
    Func<T, object> func)
    task.ContinueWith(task2 =>
        //invoke the provided function with the
        //result of running the task
        var o = func(task2.Result);

        //use reflection to set asyncManager.Parameters
        //for the returned object's fields and properties
        var ty = o.GetType();
        foreach (var f in ty.GetFields())
            asyncManager.Parameters[f.Name] = f.GetValue(o);
        foreach (var p in ty.GetProperties())
            var v = p.GetGetMethod().Invoke(o, null);
            asyncManager.Parameters[p.Name] = v;


With this helper function, you pass in the Task<T> that you are waiting on as well as a delegate to invoke when the task completes. RegisterTask takes care of incrementing and decrementing the outstanding operations count as appropriate. It also registers a continuation that reflects over the object returned from the invoked delegate to populate the Parameters collection.

With this helper function, you can write the async controller method like this:

public void IndexAsync()
    var twitter = new Twitter();

        data => new { timeline = data });

//IndexCompleted hasn't changed
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(XDocument timeline)
    var data = timeline.Root.Elements("status")
        .Elements("text").Select(e => e.Value);
    return View(data);

It’s not as clean as the purely TPL based version. In particular, you still need to write separate Async and Completed methods for each controller method. You also need to build an object to map values from the completed tasks into parameters in the completed method. Mapping parameters is a pain, but the anonymous object syntax is terser than setting values in the AsyncManager Parameter collection.

It’s not full TPL support, but it’ll do for now. Here’s hoping that the MVC team has async controller methods with TPL on their backlog.

[1] I’m familiar with Craig Cavalier’s Async MVC with TPL post, but a fork of the MVC Futures project is a bit too bleeding edge for my needs at this point.

Variadic Powershell Functions With Optional Named Params

I’ve been doing a little CPython coding lately. Even though I left the IronPython team a while ago (and IronPython is now under new management) I’m still still a big fan of the Python language and it’s great for prototyping.

However, one thing I don’t like about Python is how it uses the PYTHONPATH environment variable. I like to keep any non-standard library dependencies in my project folder, but then you have to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable in order for the Python interpreter to resolve those packages. Personally, I wish there was a command line parameter for specifying PYTHONPATH – I hate having to modify the environment in order to execute my prototype. Yes, I realize I don’t have to modify the machine-wide environment – but I would much prefer a stateless approach to an approach that requires modification of local shell state.

I decided to build a Powershell script that takes allows the caller to invoke Python while specifying the PYTHONPATH as a parameter. The script saves off the current PYTHONPATH, sets it to the passed in value, invokes the Python interpreter with the remaining script parameters, then sets PYTHONPATH back to its original value. While I was at it, I added the ability to let the user optionally specify which version of Python to use (defaulting to the most recent) as well as a switch to let the caller chose between invoking python.exe or pythonw.exe.

The details of the script are fairly mundane. However, building a Powershell script that supported optional named parameters and collected all the unnamed arguments together in a single parameter took a little un-obvious Powershell voodoo that I thought was worth blogging about.

I started with the following param declaration for my function

param (
    [string] $LibPath="",
    [switch] $WinApp,
    [string] $PyVersion=""

These three named parameters control the various features of my Python Powershell script. Powershell has an automatic variable named $args that holds the arguments that don’t get bound to a named argument. My plan was to pass the contents of the $args parameter to the Python interpreter. And that plan works fine…so long as none of the non-switch parameters are omitted.

I mistakenly (and in retrospect, stupidly) thought that since I had provided default values for the named parameters, they would only bind to passed-in arguments by name. However, Powershell binds non-switch parameters by position if the names aren’t specified . For example, this is the command line I use to execute tests from the root of my prototype project:

cpy -LibPath .Libsite-packages discover -s .src

Obviously, the $LibPath parameter gets bound to the “.Libsite-package” argument. However, since $PyVersion isn’t specified by name, it gets bound by position and picks up the “” argument. Clearly, that’s not what I intended – I want “” along with the remaining arguments to be passed to the Python interpreter while the PyVersion parameter gets bound to its default value.

What I needed was more control over how incoming arguments are bound to parameters. Luckily, Powershell 2 introduced Advanced Function Parameters which gives script authors exactly that kind of control over parameters binding. In particular, there are two custom attributes for parameters that allowed me to get the behavior I wanted:

  • Position – allows the script author to specify what positional argument should be bound to the parameter. If this argument isn’t specified, parameters are bound in the order they appear in the param declaration
  • ValueFromRemainingArguments – allows the script author to specify that all remaining arguments that haven’t been bound should be bound to this parameter. This is kind of like the Powershell equivalent of params in C# or the ellipsis in C/C++.

A little experimentation with these attributes yielded the following solution:

param (
    [string] $LibPath="",
    [switch] $WinApp,
    [string] $PyVersion="",
    [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $args

Note, the first three parameters are unchanged. However, I added an explicit $args parameter (I could have named it anything, but I had already written the rest of my script against $args) with the Position=0 and ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true parameter attribute values.The combination of these two attribute values means that the $args parameter is bound to an array of all the positional (aka unnamed) incoming arguments, starting with the first position. In other words – exactly the behavior I wanted.

Not sure how many people need a Powershell script that sets PYTHONPATH and auto-selects the latest version of Python, but maybe someone will find it useful. Also, I would think this approach to variadic functions with optional named parameters could be useful in other scenarios where you are wrapping an existing tool or utility in PowerShell, but need the ability to pass arbitrary parameters thru to the tool/utility being wrapped.

Testing the Untestable with Delegate Injection

My ASP.NET skills may be a bit rusty, but that’s not stopping me from working on a side project in ASP.NET MVC. While it has made significant strides in the 4.0 release, code like this demonstrates that ASP.NET still has a long way to go to improve testability.

public class AccountController : Controller
    ITwitterService _twitter;

    //constructor dependency injection
    public AccountController(ITwitterService twitterService)
        _twitter = twitterService;

    public ActionResult SignInWithTwitter()
        //check for GetRedirectUrl and sets cookie
        Response.SetCookie(new HttpCookie("RedirectUrl",
            FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(string.Empty, false)));

        //build callback URL
        var callback_url_builder = new UriBuilder()
            Host = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"],
            Port = int.Parse(Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"]),
            Path = Url.Action("SignInWithTwitterCallback"),

        //Helper funciton to invoke Twitter’s oauth/request_token REST endpoint
        var url = _twitter.GetRequestToken(callback_url_builder.ToString());

        //redirect to the URL returned from _twitter.GetRequestToken
        return Redirect(url);

This code has several dependencies that are hard or impossible to test: FormsAuthentication, Request, Response and Url. Testing this code is a real pain in the ass. When I originally wrote this code, I bit the bullet and wrote said the PITA test code. But I couldn’t help thinking there must be a better way.

Clearly, in order to be able to test this code, I need to introduce points of abstraction that can be filled with mock implementations during unit test runs. I already have one such abstraction point – the _twitter field of AccountController is an ITwitterService instance that gets injected on construction. I have a “real” implementation that gets injected in production and a mock implementation that I manually inject in my tests.

In order to test the code above, I’ll need to wrap the calls into the untestable objects in some sort of injectable dependency that can be mocked out for tests.

C# being an OO language, typically we think of Dependency Injection in terms interfaces and classes. However, wrapping the untestables in interfaces and then implementing those interfaces is a lot of additional code. Instead of one injected dependency, the code above would need five injected dependencies. Furthermore, since objects are both the unit of dependency injection as well as the typical way the URL namespace is segmented, I also have to consider the dependencies of any other action methods on AccountController. That gets ugly fast.

Instead of thinking in terms of objects and interfaces, I wondered what DI might look like if we thought about dependencies in terms of delegates and anonymous lambdas? You know, functional programming?  It might look something like this:

Func<string> @GetRedirectUrl;
Action<HttpCookie> @SetCookie;
Func<NameValueCollection> @ServerVariables;
Func<string, string> @ActionUrl;

public ActionResult SignInWithTwitter()
    //check for GetRedirectUrl and sets cookie
    @SetCookie(new HttpCookie("RedirectUrl", @GetRedirectUrl()));

    //build callback URL
    var callback_url_builder = new UriBuilder
        Host = @ServerVariables()["SERVER_NAME"],
        Port = int.Parse(@ServerVariables()["SERVER_PORT"]),
        Path = @ActionUrl("SignInWithTwitterCallback"),

    //Call twitter.GetRequestToken
    var url = _twitter.GetRequestToken(callback_url_builder.ToString());

    //redirect to the URL returned from Twitter.GetRequestToken
    return Redirect(url);

(Note, I’m using the @ symbol as a prefix for injected delegates, in order to make it easier to pick them out of the code. Looks kinda odd, but it is valid C#.)

This is better in that it’s actually testable without requiring a metric crapload of test code to mock the ASP.NET intrinsics. However, this approach don’t have enough information to inject dependencies based on type alone. For example, the @GetRedirectUrl is a Func<string> (i.e. a function that takes no parameters and returns a string). However, FormsAuth FormsCookieName and DefaultUrl properties would also be represented as Func<string> delegates as well.

Most DI containers have support resolving dependencies by name and type, but that makes declaring dependencies much tougher and more fragile in my opinion. If you’re going to limit yourself to static typing write compiled code, you might as well let the compiler do as much heavy lifting as possible, right?

Also, wrapping each untestable method call in a delegate has made the explosion of dependencies problem even worse. SignInWithTwitter declares four new dependencies, the callback action (not shown) adds seven new delegate dependencies and the sign out action adds one, making a total of thirteen dependencies! (including the original ITwitterService). However, none of these twelve delegate dependencies are shared across action methods. So they aren’t really controller dependencies so much as action dependencies. So what if I went ahead and declared them as action dependencies directly?

public Func<ActionResult> SignInWithTwitter(
    Func<string> @GetRedirectUrl,
    Action<HttpCookie> @SetCookie,
    Func<NameValueCollection> @ServerVariables,
    Func<string, string> @ActionUrl)
    return () =>
        //check for GetRedirectUrl and sets cookie
        SetCookie(new HttpCookie("RedirectUrl", GetRedirectUrl()));

        //build callback URL
        var callback_url_builder = new UriBuilder
            Host = ServerVariables()["SERVER_NAME"],
            Port = int.Parse(ServerVariables()["SERVER_PORT"]),
            Path = ActionUrl("LogOnCallback"),

        //Call twitter.GetRequestToken
        var url = _twitter.GetRequestToken(

        //redirect to the URL returned from Twitter.GetRequestToken
        return Redirect(url);

SignInWithTwitter is now a function that takes four delegates and returns a delegate – we’re really down the functional programming rabbit hole now!

The benefit of this approach is that I can make tradeoffs as I see fit between controller and action dependencies. ITwitterService is still injected via the AccountController constructor since it is used by two of the three Account actions. Dependencies only used by a single action can be scoped to that specific action so that only tests for a given action method have to mock them out. And testing this is a breeze compared to having to mock out intrinsic ASP.NET objects.

public void returns_redirect_result_with_getrequesttoken_url()
    //inject controller dependencies
    var twitter = new Mock<Models.ITwitterService>(MockBehavior.Strict);
    twitter.Setup(t => t.GetRequestToken(It.IsAny<string>()))
    var controller = new AccountController(twitter.Object);

    //inject action dependencies
    Func<string> @getRedirectUrl = () => "/fake/redirect/url";
    Action<HttpCookie> @setCookie = c => { };
    Func<NameValueCollection> @serverVariables =
        () => new NameValueCollection()
            {"SERVER_NAME", "testapp.local"},
            {"SERVER_PORT", "8888"}
    Func<string, string> @actionUrl = url => "/fake/url/action/result";
    var action = controller.SignInWithTwitter(@getRedirectUrl,
        @setCookie, @serverVariables, @actionUrl);

    //Invoke action
    var result = action();

    var redirectResult = Assert.IsType<RedirectResult>(result);
    Assert.Equal("http://fake.twittertest.local", redirectResult.Url);

I could make this code even smaller by moving the action dependencies out to be test fixture class fields. Assuming you write multiple tests for each action method, this allows you to reuse the mock action delegates across multiple methods. If I want to do negative testing, I can easily define test-specific delegates that throw exceptions or return unexpected values.

Of course, the down side to this approach is that MVC has no idea what to do with an action method that returns Func<ActionResult>. I could envision support for this pattern in MVC someday, though we’d need a robust solution to the type+name dependency issue I described above. For now, I will simply wrap the delegate injection version (aka the testable version) of the action in a non-testable but MVC compatible version that injects the right delegate dependencies.

public ActionResult SignInWithTwitter()
    return SignInWithTwitter(
        () => FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(string.Empty, false),
        () => Request.ServerVariables,

Since I’m using the untestable intrinsics, I can’t write any tests for this method. However, it’s nearly declarative because the anonymous delegates I’m injecting are closing over the untestable intrinsics. Personally, I’m willing to make the tradeoff of having an declarative yet untestable wrapper action method in order to get the delegate injected easy-to-test version of SignInWithTwitter that has the real implementation.

Weakly Typed Dynamic Languages and Natural Selection

I’m not reading much in the way of blogs or twitter these days – way to heads down in my new job for that right now. But I did see Scott Hanselman’s post on method overloading and dynamic types and Ted Neward’s follow-on post static-typing fundamentalism. Even though I’ve moved on from the IronPython team, dynamic typing is a topic that’s still near and dear to my heart so I can’t resist throwing in my 2¢.

First off, I agree 100% with Ted’s post – though not the over-the-top mocking tone. These static > dynamic flame bait comments are so tired that they’ve literally become cliché. I agree with Ted’s points, but by answering fire with fire he’s just perpetuating the flame war that he claims to be so tired of. I really am tired of it, so I’m not going to bother to address any of the original anti-dynamic typing faux-arguments (fauxguments?) nor Ted’s artful and devastatingly mocking takedown of them.

But I do have a question for any static-typing fundamentalists in the audience: if static typing is so much better than dynamic typing, then how come dynamically typed languages are so popular? Doesn’t natural selection apply to type systems?

Those aren’t rhetorical questions. Building software takes time and effort. While developers often donate time and effort to projects (see: open source) typically they work for money. That money has to come from somewhere – usually it comes from someone who needs the software built for some business reason. And the people footing the bill for software construction demand the highest return on investment they can get.

If dynamic typing or VARIANT (which is actually weak not dynamic typing, but I digress) really did create “horrific devastation”, wouldn’t that have caused a negative feedback loop where the business people who actually foot the bills for creating software became wary and untrusting of using VB as the language of choice for their projects in favor of strong and statically typed languages that helped developers “make good choices”?

Yet the opposite happened. VB was the most popular programming language in the world for the better part of a decade. And while VB’s reign at the top is over, I’d argue that these days the most popular programming languages are PHP and JavaScript, both of which are weakly typed dynamic languages too.

Now clearly, popular != better. However, static-typing fundamentalism isn’t an argument about which way is “better” so much as an argument about which way is “worthy”. But how can you argue that you’re approach is the only worthy path when the opposite approach has been so successful? Remember, one developer’s “horrific devastation” might be another businessman’s “successful project because it helped me enter a new market faster than my competitors”.