New Microsoft Issaquah Black Building
Even though I moved offices just a
ago, we moved again today. New office won’t be ready until Monday, so I
“worked from home”. Of course, with two kids too young for school,
getting much actual work done is essentially impossible. I did manage to
get my blog upgraded to dasBlog
1.9 during the
kids’ naps.
My new office building is “Issaquah Black” which is a much cooler name
than “18″ or “Sammamish C”. The building used to be a Boeing building.
In fact, my old next door neighbor used to work in this building, back
when he and I lived a scant 2.5 mile / 6 minute commute from here.
Boeing moved him to Everett and apparently decided to get rid of the
building. A year ago, I moved to a new house on the outskirts of
Redmond, so my commute is 12.5 miles / 20 minutes. Significantly longer
than if I had never moved, but I love my house and can easily deal with
a 20 minute commute. Even though main campus is closer (only 8 miles),
with all the rush hour traffic it takes closer to 45 to get there!