DIY Car Radio Harder Than I Thought

I want to listen to my Nomad in my car. Turns out you can get a cable that plugs into the CD Changer port on the back of the stock stereo in my 2001 Chevy Blazer that converts it to an RCA jack for only $60. Add a $5 miniplug to RCA cable and I figured I was golden. That is, until I tried to install it.

A comedian named Rida Rutner once said she “only like cars because they take me to clothes”. I’m not a big fan of clothes, but I don’t like cars much either (I only like care because they take me to Fry’s?). Apparently, this simple sounding DIY project of “plug in cable” requires the disassembling of half the car. Well, half the dashboard anyway. I didn’t realy expect that removing the radio would require “releas[ing] the park brake release cable from the park brake lever”. Wow.

Of course, in my area of expertise I guess most non-experts would be equally lost. I’m setting up a website for some friends, so I sent them a quick email with the status, and the response came back “could you write this again, but this time in English?” 😄

Almost Hockey On Carpet

I watched the National Lacrosse League All-Star Game this afternoon. It’s not hockey, but I enjoyed it quite a bit – especially at the end. They had the league commissioner on at halftime talking about expansion. If they had a team in Seattle, I’d go.

One of the things I liked about Lacrosse is that the players all have to have day jobs. Average NLL salary is apparently around $12,000. Apparently, many of the player’s teach for their “day jobs” which impressed my wife immensely. She mentioned that this is how all sports leagues should be. I couldn’t agree more.

When I lived in LA, I used to play hockey in the amateur league. I haven’t played since I moved up due to a variety of reasons – including cost and distance to rink. But there’s an indoor facility where they play lacrosse in Redmond, less than four miles from campus. They also play inline hockey and indoor soccer too.

Another Zen Micro Feature Request

The other day, I wished my Zen Micro supported variable speed playback for podcast playback. I’ve got another feature request, this time for podcast recording. The Zen Micro features include built in microphone and support for voice recording. But there doesn’t appear to be any way to hook up an external microphone. The built-in mic is fine for leaving messages for yourself, but it’s not high enough quality for podcasting “on the go”. Additionally, since I’m using WMP 10 instead of the app that comes with the Zen Micro, I’m not sure there’s any way to sync the recorded files back down to my PC, but I’m thinking that’s just a matter of geting Notmad Explorer talking to my Zen Micro.

Update: Sometime shortly after I blogged this, Adam curry posted an episode of DSC recorded on a Zen Micro that Sean gave him. I haven’t had a chance to listen yet, but I’m interested in how it sounds and how well it worked for Adam. Do you have to hold it near your mouth the whole time? I still wish I could use an external mic.

Speaking of the Class Designer

As I pointed out in my last post, VS2005 includes a Class Designer that those familiar with the UML class model should feel right at home in. By happy coincidence, I found out today the Class Designer team is blogging. Additionally, two of the Class Designer team members – Ramesh and Rakesh - are blogging on their own. Apparently, the team blog will feature a new post every Thursday. This week’s post features an overview of the v1 Class Designer goals. Subscribed.

Putting a Square Peg Model in a Round Hole Tool

Robert Bauman left the following comment on my Separated at Birth post?

The nice thing about using a general purpose modeler is that you can house all of your requirements, use cases, etc. in the same model. Rational provides the 4+1 view, Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect provides several views out of the box that you can easily navigate around… It means that everyone is working off of the same set of rules.

As soon as you start putting those rules into Visual Studio, they change and deviate from the model. It’s true that the AndroMDA does require you to remember to use certain stereotypes, but that’s all part of the game anyhow.

That’s like saying, “well, the GoF patterns are nice, but then you have to remember what it means to have an Observer pattern”. Furthermore, UML tools let you customize the list of stereotypes that show in the dropdown, and even the picture that should be associated with those stereotypes. Why mess with some other modeling standard when you can do it all with a proper UML tool

The point I was making is that when you start using the class model to design something other than classes, you’re using a domain specific language – even if you’re using a general purpose modeling tool.  Take a look at this example from the AndroMDA website. Their example reads:

You tag a CustomerService class with a <<Service>> stereotype. AndroMDA sees this stereotype, looks into its internal dictionary of available code generation components (called “cartridges”) and finds the EJB cartridge. In the EJB cartridge, two templates correspond to the <<Service>> stereotype: SessionBean.vsl and SessionBeanImpl.vsl. AndroMDA uses the internal representation of CustomerService loaded from the model, calls the processing engine twice, and two output files are generated: and

In this example, classes with the <<Service>> stereotype actually generate two code classes – the Bean and the BeanImpl. But if we were using the class diagram as it was intended, wouldn’t there be a one-to-one mapping between a class in the model and a class in the code? As soon as you break that one-to-one mapping, you’re no longer modeling classes. A <<Service>> is something at a higher level of abstraction than a class – otherwise it wouldn’t take two classes to implement it.

BTW, I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with this approach at all! I’m just pointing out the similarities between an approach that many people are using to achieve practical results with UML today and what you can do with the modeling tools that Microsoft is building.

The key difference comes down to tools. Yes, you can use the class diagram and stereotypes to model stuff at a higher level of abstraction like Services and Entities. But putting a square peg in a round hole like that has problems. Since you’re not using the tools as they were designed, you have to manually enforce rules that the tool doesn’t know about. Sure, you can add some semantics via stereotypes, but you can’t take anything away. How easy is it to build a valid class model that isn’t a valid service model? Pretty easy. For example, do services support inheritance? Classes do. My EJB is a little rusty, but I don’t think beans do. It certainly doesn’t make sense for a service to inherit from an entity or vis-versa. Yet, the class modeler will happily let you do this, even though it makes no sense in the domain you’re actually trying to model.

The value of domain specific languages is that have a tool that is specifically designed to model the domain you’re working in. If you’re designing classes, of course you’d want to use a class model. We have a great one coming in VS2005. But if you’re designing services or entities or page flows or whatever else, why wouldn’t you want a tool that’s specific to the problem at hand?