Mr. CIO Guy Has Left The Building

As he wrote on his blog, Pat Helland’s last day at Microsoft is tomorrow. He’s busily cleaning out his office right now. 😦 He’s starts on Monday @ Amazon to help them implement a service oriented architecture. I heard their CTO was hiring.  Pat’s a big reason why I came to work for Architecture Strategy so I’m really sorry to see him go.

On the plus side, no one will quip “it’s been nice hanging out with you” in the men’s room anymore.

Seriously, Pat’s been through some seriously hard times this past twelve months, and I think the change is a great opportunity for him. I imagine I’ll see him often enough – he’s back on campus next week to present at an architecture forum. Plus, I offered to setup dasBlog on so he’ll keep blogging.

Devhawk Ads

Norman added AdSense to his blog, and I know several other kids that are doing it, so I succumbed to the peer pressure. So far, it’s just a single ad over there on the right, but the “Wide Skyscraper” ad format would fit there. I’m interested to see how this goes.

patterns And practices And podcasts

Ron from patterns & practices is not only blogging and webcasting but also podcasting. He’s got two podcasts up so far. The first is a discussion with Billy Hollis about smart client architectures. It’s pretty short – just enough to whet your appetite. (Quick plug – Billy is presenting with Rocky on Smart Client Architecture as part of the TechEd 2005 ARC track.) Ron’s second podcast is with Scott Densmore on EntLib’s ConfigurationContext. It’s cool stuff, but it’s alot harder to follow (for me anyway) topics related to code like this with just audio. Luckily, Scott blogged about this as well.

Community Site

I’m trying to set up a community site for some old friends from high school. Got the domain name, got the hosting space, just need to figure out what to run on the site.

I started by looking the old IBuySpy portal. It’s been a while – it’s now called the ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit. Looks as good as it did when it first came out. However, there’s a slight security issue. My hoster doesn’t allow unauthenticated write access to the file system. Most of the ASP.NET Portal data is stored in the database, however the actual site layout is stored in an on-disk XML file. I could work around this by setting up a portal on my local machine, building out the site, and then uploading the relevant xml file, but I want to have my good friend back east help manage the site, so that workaround does’t work too well.

Next choice was DotNetNuke. They’re about to release their 3.0 version (3.0.11 is supposed to be the final beta). Looks really nice and installed very easily on my local testbed. However, my hoster also doesn’t give my DB account owner rights – I get reader, writer, DDL and security admin but not owner. DNN installs a series of stored procedures (which works on my machine due to having DDL permissions) but doesn’t give EXEC permissions to those procs to anyone except DBO. Woops. I wrote a small utility app that extracts a list of all user stored procs and calls “GRANT EXEC ON \<\<SPNAME\>\> TO PUBLIC” on each one. Seems to work fine, but given the size of the DNN codebase, I’m not sure I’m comfortable that there isn’t something else out there that’s expecting DBO permissions.

Assuming I don’t go with ASP.NET Portal or DNN, what other choices do I have? I’ve got pretty stringint security requirements, plus it has to use ASP.NET (go figure). I’m still looking at:

  • Rainbow Portal – similar to DNN in that it started from the original ASP.NET Portal source code
  • ASP.NET Community Starter Kit (CSK) – A baseline starter kit for building a community oriented site. Sounds promising.
  • GotCommunityNet – derivative of the community starter kit. They bill themselves as CSK 1.1. Sounds even more promising.

Any other suggestions?

Modeling vs. Visualization

Javier got me thinking when he left a comment to my square peg model post. I’ll get to intended semantics of class diagrams in another post, but I wanted respond to the latter part of the following comment:

I suppose you are assuming that the Class Diagram is intended to be used for design purposes. Then, a class diagram could be considered simply as a code visualizer.

That’s a great point that ties into something I’ve been thinking about lately: the Class Designer in VS2005 is not a modeling tool, it’s a visualization tool. For me, the difference comes down to abstraction and transformation. In VS2005, the Class Designer is built on top of the same metamodel as the underlying language. This means there is no transformation and that the diagram and the text of the code itself are at exactly the same level of abstraction. To me, you’re not modeling unless you’ve raised the level of abstraction.

However, while I think VS2005′s class diagram is a visualization, I also believe that UML’s class diagram is a model. UML is not built on the same metamodel as the underlying language. It’s at a slightly higher level of abstraction. That’s why you can generate Java, C++, Ruby or C# from a given class model. That transformation step between diagram and code is what makes UML a model. Granted, the class model of UML is intentionally close in abstraction to the code, but it’s still an abstraction.

The only reason it matters IMO if a given diagram is a model or a visualization is to be explicit about the need for transformation. And even the need or lack of transformation is only important for usage purposes. Each method has its pros and cons. UML can’t model C# code as precisely as VS2005 can visualize it, but VS2005 can’t be used to generate code for non .NET languages.

Javier’s point cuts right to the idea that modeling classes “for design purposes” isn’t particularly valuable as classes are such a low level abstraction. I think that’s why so many people use UML’s class model as a general purpose “thing” designer. The question is, what was the class diagrams intended use?