Brokered WinRT Components Step-by-Step

Based on the feedback I’ve gotten since my keynote appearance @ Build – both in person and via email & twitter – there are a lot of folks who are excited about the Brokered WinRT Component feature. However, I’ve been advising folks to hold off a bit until the new VS templates were ready. Frankly, the developer experience for this feature is a bit rough and the VS template makes the experience much better. Well, hold off no longer! My old team has published the Brokered WinRT Component Project Templates up on the Visual Studio Gallery!

Now that the template is available, I’ve written a step-by-step guide demonstrating how to build a “Hello World” style brokered component. Hopefully, this will help folks in the community take advantage of this cool new feature in Windows 8.1 Update.

To keep it readable, I’ve broken it into three separate posts:

Note, this walkthrough assumes you’re running Windows 8.1 Update, Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 RC (or later) and the Brokered WinRT Component Project Templates installed.

I hope this series helps you take advantage of brokered WinRT components. If you have any further questions, feel free to drop me an email or hit me up on Twitter.