Morning Coffee 10

Wow, I made it to ten of these morning coffee posts. That puts me only two orders of magnitude behind Mike and one order of magnitude behind Sam.

  • We got snow, again. My son apparently said the other day “OK God, that’s enough snow now”. When a 3 year old is tired of snow, you know you’ve gotten a lot.
  • Of course, people in snowier climates than here (the NorthEast, Northen Midwest, pretty much all of Canada, etc) will snicker that 5 inches of snow is “a lot”.
  • I’m moving my STS code into a new VPC for handoff to the dev team. I was running Virtual Server before, but for individual work like what I do, Virtual PC is much easier to use. Drag and Drop into the VPC alone is worth it to me to use Virtual PC instead of Virtual Server. I am using the beta of Virual PC 2007, though I couldn’t tell you what the differences are.
  • Steven King may love the new season of 24, but I can’t shake the feeling of jumped shark. However, I am impressed that Fox released the first 4 episodes of the new season today.
  • Two name changes later, the RTM version of SQL MobileAnywhere Compact Edition is now available. BTW, I found this blog post by Steve Lasker about using SQLce with ASP.NET. So it sounds doable, though not recommend. Of course, for those of us using shared hosting, SQLce is a non-starter until it becomes part of the standard .NET framework install.

Mastering WCF

Sam Gentile writes:

Harry finds Indigo daunting. Me, I find mastering 8 different stacks (COM+/ES, ASMX, WSE, Remoting, MSMQ, etc) to do the same thing and all the strange nuances a hell of a lot more daunting but that’s just me, although the number of timeout settings and config settings is astronomical.

While mastering many different stacks is daunting, the reality is you don’t have to master all of them to use one of them. Knowing Sam, he probably has mastered all the different stacks, but MVP’s like Sam are an edge case. Most developer don’t master any of the stacks, they get comfortable with the one or two stacks they use all the time.

From that perspective, WCF replaces the “legacy” stack a given developer understands with something much more complex, since WCF replaces legacy stacks other than the one said developer is familiar with. Options like message exchange patterns and network protocol were typically implicit to a given technology stack. For example, if you used ASMX, you could use any network protocol you want, as long as it’s HTTP. Using WCF, you get to / have to choose which network protocol you want to use. Multiply that decision making process by the “astronomical” number of choices WCF provides, and you’ve got to spend a long time making decisions that the “legacy” stacks handled for you automatically.

To me, it looks like WCF’s primary design goals were to support web service standards (aka WS-*) as well as to unify the disparate communications stacks. And I think WCF was fairly successful at these two goals. Previously, the capabilities you needed would drive your communication stack choice. Need web service interop? Use ASMX. Need low-level control over the message pipeline? Use .NET Remoting. Need to flow transactions? Use COM+. Need to flow transactions over web services with low-level control over the message pipeline? Until WCF came along, you were SOL.

However, if “ease of development” was a goal for WCF, it doesn’t look like it was high on the list. And frankly, that’s fine. As I’ve written before, I’d rather have a flexible if complicated low-level foundation to build higher-abstracted application infrastrucutre on top of.

Just don’t try and sell me that WCF is making my life easier, because it’s not. Not yet, anyway.

Morning Coffee 9

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up… live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr

  • My boss asks “Are We There Yet?” on fulfilling Dr. King’s dream. Sadly, the answer is no. I think we’re making progress, but we’re not “there” yet.
  • No back to back trips to the Super Bowl for the Seahawks. They had chances to win it both down the stretch as well as in overtime and they couldn’t capitalize.
  • I blogged about “Politics 2.0″ back on election day. Here’s an article about viral video in politics that’s very Politics 2.0.
  • It finally warmed up enough yesterday to make a snowman. Patrick named the snowman “Capa” which is what he call my father. Apparently, my father and the snowman have the same bushy eyebrows (according to my wife). It’s supposed to snow again tonight, so maybe we can make a “Granny” or “Nana” snowman (snow-woman?).
  • The new season of 24 started last night. Please review Larry’s list of the Top 10 Things I’ve Learned About Computers From The Movies and Any Episode of ’24′.
  • My wife posted a picture of Patrick and I playing Lego Star Wars II. We really enjoy it, but I need to watch my language when we play. When we were fighting the Rancor, Patrick announced to his mommy that we were fighting the “big fucking monster”. Woops! Patrick already knows several words that your not supposed to say (and he reminds us if we ever use them) so I guess should add that to the list. Or I could start saying frak instead.

(Late) Morning Coffee 9

Took part of the morning off this morning to let the sun shine down on the icy roads. No major incidents getting to work, though the office parking lot is like an ice rink.

  • As mentioned yesterday, I finally got my STS implementation working with WCS. Turns out that using WCS with the wsFederatedHttp binding requires you to specify which claims you want to send to the service. In comparison, using WCS with wsHttpBinding automatically requests the PPID claim. It would be nice if this was documented somewhere. I only figured it out by finding this demo from Michele.
  • Last week, I said that we need a better tool than SvcConfigEditor. This tool is only marginally better than hand-editing the config files with intellisense. A “real” tool would keep you from building invalid config files. While I appreciate the need for this level of flexibility at the transport layer, we really need a better web service hosting story than IIS + ASP.NET + web.config. WCF makes me long for the days of the MTS/COM+ GUI interface. I never wasted hours troubleshooting config issues with MTS/COM+.
  • Apparently, Xbox 360 outsold Wii and PS3 combined in December. That’s probably more of a statement about PS3 and Wii shortages, but there’s no arguing with numbers like 10.4 million Xbox 360 consoles, 5 millions Xbox Live users, and nearly 3 million copies of Gears of War. Congrats to the Xbox team!
  • David may be hiding from his blog of late, but he did venture out long enough to point me to SOA Facts. My favorite: Dante has a special level in hell for consultants whose resumes do not say SOA.

Playing in the Snow

It was a little too cold to make a snowman at my house, so we headed over to the big hill near our house for a little sledding. The hill was pretty trashed – we weren’t the first ones to down the hill – but we all had a fun time nonetheless.

Here’s Mommy and Riley, riding together:

And here’s Patrick, riding by himself like a big boy:

Riley calls Patrick “Bubba” because she can’t say “brother”.

And since I promised my teammate Maureen a snowman photo, here’s the last one we built:

On top of all this snow play and sledding, I got my STS working with WCS. More on that tomorrow.