I’m not sure how this happened, but I overwrote the following post from July 27th. Found the original in Google’s cache, but not before I deleted the original. So here it is again:
Brad Smith (via Chris) wants to know what kind of cars ‘softies drive. I drive a green 2002 Chevy Blazer. This picture is from Patrick’s trip home from the hospital. In the picture, you can see my old car – a purple ’97 GMC Sonoma pickup truck. That got traded in earlier this year for a Nissan Quest minivan. Those two cars take a fair bit of gas, so we’re thinking of getting a hybrid – Ford has a hybrid Escape SUV coming this year. My mom has a hybrid Honda and loves it. In the meantime, I try to carpool or bus (or hit John up for a ride) to work as often as possible.