Architecture Center Banner

For TechEd, we got a big banner to hang in the lunch room to advertise Architecture Center. When we got it back, we hung it in the atrium of building 18 – our new home. Looks pretty cool, doesn’t it? In the pic, from left to right, are my boss Adam Denning, yours truly (in desperate need of a haircut) and John deVadoss. Massive thanks to Richard and Megan who got the banner hung in the first place.


We just published a white paper about the Enterprise Architectural Space Organizing Table. Basically, this is a table for categorizing architectural artifacts such as patterns. It owes a great deal to Zachman, but really builds out the concepts of roles and viewpoints. In addition to the white paper, you can get a PDF of the table itself.

What’s ultra-cool about this table is that it’s what the p&p group uses internally. The white paper maps every pattern MSFT has published into the table. You can also see the EASOT viewpoints in action in the Project Notebook section of Integration Patterns. When I saw a print of the table hanging on the wall in p&p’s building, I knew I wanted to see it published online. Love it or hate it, it’s real.

What do you think? Obviously, we’re planning on building on EASOT going forward. Is this useful? Valuable?