While I was driving into work this morning, Kerry conceded. While he hasn’t made his speech yet as I write this, I’m assuming he’ll be magnanimous though in reality he’s being a realist. Not enough provo votes to overcome the current Bush lead. Maybe it’s better for Kerry anyway – as I wrote last night, even if he won Ohio and the election, he’d be facing an impossible task of uniting the country, fixing Iraq and digging the country out of the economic tarpit that it’s currently mired in all without the mandate of the popular vote.
Secondly, according to MSNBC, turnout estimation is 59%. That’s still a failing grade. Rod commented that in Australia, voting is mandatory. I like that idea, but he also pointed out that it would “never fly” in the US. Never say never…
With the result no longer in doubt, I’m imposing a personal media blackout for the next month or so. The closest I’m willing to get to politics for a while is is The West Wing.