New Disclaimer

Observant readers who view my site in HTML rather than just reading the RSS feed may have noticed I’ve added a disclaimer to my site. What a coincidence, it’s very similar to the disclaimer other Microsoft employees use when they post on newsgroups.

New Tablet for Harry

I got my new Tablet PC today – the Toshiba Portege 3500. Seems that’s the tablet of choice inside Microsoft. I like it because it’s got 1GB of RAM and a nifty place to hold a full size pen. My previous Tablet was a beta unit – I was a tablet champ so I had one 6 months before they launch. That was great before they were generally available, but as it had only 256 MB of RAM, it’s not like I could use it for coding. With a GB of RAM, I can run write code in the host talking to a web/app server in a virtual PC.

I’ve Been Scobleized

Scoble’s saying nice things about me. He claims there was nothing quotable, but then again, he has started self-censoring. 😄