Site Update + More Office2k3 XML thoughts

Kudos to Scott W & TripleASP.NET’s Show My Code tool. I updated the source code to my articles so the sample code would be syntax color coded. I like it. Not 100% satisfied w/ the output – I did hand tool the results a bit. Maybe there could be an option to spit out an XML adorned version of the source code? Then I could put the <br> tags exactly where I wanted them via an XSLT.

Speaking of XSLT, FrontPage 2003 is supposed to have an XSLT graphical editor. But from some basic looking around, it appears that it only works in conjunction a SharePoint based site. Too bad, I was hoping it would compete with Altova’sStylevision graphical XSLT editor. Given the relatively high bar for XSLT development, and Office 2003′s support of XML in general and XSL in particular, I thought that FrontPage might naturally evolve into an XSLT tool.

Anyone know where WordML schema is documented?

My Architect is Don Box…

And when Don talks, people listen – even if it’s to point out something I’ve said. I’ve gotten 107 referrals from him since yesterday.

Home of the Business Logic

And no, this story isn’t made up. Let me just quote one of the folks at this conference: “I truly believe that most of this world’s business logic is implemented in Excel”. [Ingo Rammer’s DotNetCentric]

According to my friends at Fujitsu Software Corporation, 70% of the worlds business logic is still in COBOL. Of course, with Visual Studio Tools for Office and Fujitsu’s NetCOBOL for .NET, you could conceivably migrate the COBOL code directly into Excel. And no, I’m not making this up either! 😉

Blog Search

Does anyone implement search on their blogs? The .NET weblog systems I have seen don’t, neither does Radio. But Sam Ruby’s does. I would think that search would be a useful feature. Is it? If not, why not?

CodeDom Grammar

I got a pointer to Mondrain off the Dotnet-sscli mailing list yesterday. Mondrain is one of a few functional languages implementations for .NET. There’s also some interesting study of CodeDom, including a formal description of the grammar. Just the thing for building Disruptive Programming Language Technologies.