Now With More Power

If you’re reading this, you’ve found the new-and-improved DevHawk. I’ve changed both web hosts and blogging programs to deliver an improved blogging experience for all. Well, at least an improved blogging experience for me. You, you’re on your own.

I wrote two months ago that I was planning a switch to dasBlog. I helped out with a few features (so far just CDF support and comment deletion, but I’m working on story support). Actually, it’s kinda cool how dasBlog v1.5 shipped as I was moving servers. I did have to hold of on blogging for a couple of weeks, but in the end, I think it will be worth it. Now I get all the cool stuff I was too lazy to add to my own blog engine like comments, search and a web-based admin interface.

I am running a slightly non-standard version of dasBlog. If you read my site (as opposed to my RSS feed), you’ll see I have a little comment that I call a tagline associated with each entry. I got the idea from Matt Williams, who uses to record where he was when he made that entry. I got bored with just putting my location in there, so I started making snippy comments instead. I submitted the Tagline code to dasBlog, but Clemens rejected it on the grounds that it pretty much a Harry-only feature.

Since I haven’t got story support figured out, I’m just using static files for my articles, projects and presentations. DasBlog has a feature called FormatPage for rendering static content inline with the weblog template. Combined with the built-in URL rewriting engine, I was able to create simple URLs for my static content. Unfortunately, I still had to break all my old urls. And I’ll (probably) break them again when I get story support figured out.

Anyway, now that my new site is live, we can return to normal programming.