__clrtype__ Metaclasses: Adding CLR Fields

Now that we have the basic __clrtype__ metaclass infrastructure in place, let’s enhance it to add support for CLR fields. To do this, we’re going to need to add two things to our custom CLR type. First, we need to define the fields themselves. Second, we need to make sure that Python code will read and writes to the statically typed fields for the specified names rather than the storing them in the object dictionary as usual. Here’s the updated version of ClrTypeMetaclass (or you can get it from my SkyDrive)

class ClrTypeMetaclass(type):
  def __clrtype__(cls):
    baseType = super(ClrTypeMetaclass, cls).__clrtype__()
    typename = cls._clrnamespace + "." + cls.__name__
                 if hasattr(cls, "_clrnamespace")
                 else cls.__name__

    typegen = Snippets.Shared.DefineType(typename, baseType, True, False)
    typebld = typegen.TypeBuilder

    for ctor in baseType.GetConstructors():
      ctorparams = ctor.GetParameters()
      ctorbld = typebld.DefineConstructor(
                  tuple([p.ParameterType for p in ctorparams]))
      ilgen = ctorbld.GetILGenerator()
      ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0)
      for index in range(len(ctorparams)):
        ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, index + 1)
      ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ctor)

    if hasattr(cls, "_clrfields"):
      for fldname in cls._clrfields:

    new_type = typebld.CreateType()

    if hasattr(cls, "_clrfields"):
      for fldname in cls._clrfields:
        fldinfo = new_type.GetField(fldname)
        setattr(cls, fldname, ReflectedField(fldinfo))

    return new_type

All the base type, type name, type builder and constructor code in the first half of the __clrtype__ method is the same as last time, so we’ll focus on the second half. After emitting the constructor(s), next we iterate thru a dictionary named _clrfields (if it exists in the class) that maps field names to types. For each of these dictionary entries, we emit a public field on the CLR type with the specified name and type.

The first time I tried this, I simply added the custom field generation code I just described and left it at that. Didn’t work. Python doesn’t look to store information in fields defined by the static type metadata unless explicitly instructed to. That’s why I need to iterate over the declared list of fields a second time after the type has been created. The first time creates the CLR fields, the second time inserts a ReflectedField instance into the class dictionary. ReflectedField is a Python descriptor that reads and writes the field value by calling GetValue and SetValue on the contained FieldInfo object. Python uses the same name resolution for fields as it does for method (In Python, methods are fields that store callable objects) so when IronPython discovers the ReflectedField descriptor in the class instance, it uses that to get or store the value rather than sticking it in the local dictionary.

Now here’s the new version of the Product class, this time with CLR fields as well as a custom type name:

class Product(object):
  __metaclass__ = ClrTypeMetaclass
  _clrnamespace = "DevHawk.IronPython.ClrTypeSeries"
  _clrfields = {

  def __init__(self, name, cost, quantity):
    self.name = name
    self.cost = cost
    self.quantity = quantity

  def calc_total(self):
    return self.cost * self.quantity

As you can see, the only thing that’s changed is the addition of the _clrfields dictionary. But now, we can use reflection to get and set the Product fields, like so:

>>> p = Product("Crunchy Frog", 5.99, 10)
>>> t = p.GetType()
>>> p.name
'Crunchy Frog'
>>> namefi = t.GetField("name")
>>> namefi.GetValue(p)
'Crunchy Frog'
>>> namefi.SetValue(p, "Spring Surprise")
>>> p.name
'Spring Surprise'

This is great progress, but not enough to get us to our first “real” scenario: data binding in Silverlight. Silverlight only supports data binding against public properties, so I’ll need to wrap all these CLR fields in CLR properties in my next post.

__clrtype__ Metaclasses: Customizing the Type Name

Now that we know a little about how IronPython uses CLR types under the hood, let’s start customizing those types. In a nutshell, __clrtype__ metaclasses are metaclasses that implement a function named __clrtype__ that takes the Python class definition as a parameter and returns a System.Type. IronPython will then use the returned Type  as the underlying CLR type whenever you create an instance of the Python class.

Technically, you could emit whatever custom CLR Type you want to in the __clrtype__, but typically you’ll want to emit a class that both implements whatever static CLR metadata you need as well as the dynamic binding infrastructure that IronPython expects. The easiest way to do this is to ask IronPython emit a type that handles all the dynamic typing and then inherit from that type to add the custom CLR metadata you want.

Let’s start simple and hello-worldly by just customizing the name of the generated CLR type that’s associated with the Python class. There’s a fair amount of boilerplate code that is needed even for this simple scenario, and I can build on that as we add features that actually do stuff. If you want to follow along at home, you’ll need IronPython 2.6 Alpha 1 (or later) and you can get this code from my SkyDrive.

class ClrTypeMetaclass(type):
  def __clrtype__(cls):
    baseType = super(ClrTypeMetaclass, cls).__clrtype__()
    typename = cls._clrnamespace + "." + cls.__name__
                 if hasattr(cls, "_clrnamespace")
                 else cls.__name__

    typegen = Snippets.Shared.DefineType(typename, baseType, True, False)
    typebld = typegen.TypeBuilder

    for ctor in baseType.GetConstructors():
      ctorparams = ctor.GetParameters()
      ctorbld = typebld.DefineConstructor(
                  tuple([p.ParameterType for p in ctorparams]))
      ilgen = ctorbld.GetILGenerator()
      ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0)
      for index in range(len(ctorparams)):
        ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, index + 1)
      ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ctor)

    return typebld.CreateType()

Like all Python metaclasses, ClrTypeMetaclass inherits from the built-in Python type object. If I wanted to customize the Python class as well, I could implement __new__ on ClrTypeMetaclass , but I only care about customizing the CLR type so it only implements __clrtype__. If you want to know more about what you can do with Python metaclasses, check out Michael Foord’s Metaclasses in Five Minutes.

First off, I want to get IronPython to generate the base class that will implement all the typical Pythonic stuff like name resolution and dynamic method dispatch. To do that, I call __clrtype__ on the supertype of ClrTypeMetaclass – aka the built-in type object. That function returns the System.Type that IronPython would have used as the underlying CLR type for the Python class if we weren’t using __clrtype__ metaclasses.

Once I have the base class, next I figure out what the name of the generated CLR type will be. This is pretty simple, I just use the name of the Python class. To make this logic a little more interesting, I added support for a custom namespace. If the Python class has a _clrnamespace field, I append that as the custom namespace for the name. I should probably be using a double underscore – i.e. __clrnamespace – but I didn’t want to wrestle with name mangling in this prototype code.

Now that I have a name and a base class, I can generate the class I’m going to use. I’m using the DefineType method in Microsoft.Scripting.Generation.Snippets DLR class for three reasons. First, there’s a CLR bug that doesn’t let you create a dynamic assembly from a dynamic method. Second, reusing the snippets assembly avoids the overhead of generating a new assembly. Finally, the types in Snippets.Shared get saved to disk if you run with the -X:SaveAssemblies flag, so you can inspect custom CLR type that gets generated. The DefineType function takes four parameters, the type name, the base class, a preserve name flag and a generate debug symbols flag. If you pass false for preserve name, you get a name like foobar$1 instead of just foobar. As for debug symbols, since I don’t have any source code that I’m generating IL from, emitting debug symbols doesn’t make a lot of sense. DefineType returns a TypeGen, but I only need the TypeBuilder.

The last thing I need to do is implement the custom CLR type constructor(s). IronPython CLR types will always have at least one parameter – the PythonType (PythonType == IronPython’s implementation of Python’s built-in type object) that’s used for dynamic name resolution. I don’t want to add any custom functionality in my custom CLR type constructors, so I simply iterate thru the list of constructors on the base class and generate a constructor on the custom CLR type with a matching parameter list and that calls the base class constructor.

Generating the IL to emit the constructor and the base class is straightforward, if tedious. I define the constructor with the same attributes, calling convention and parameters as the base class constructor. Then I emit IL to load the local instance (i.e. ldarg 0) and all the parameters onto the stack, call the base constructor and finally return. Once all the constructors are defined, I can create the type and return.

Using the ClrTypeMetaclass is very easy – simply specify the __metaclass__ field in a class. If you want to customize the namespace, specify the _clrnamespace field as well. Here’s an example:

class Product(object):
  __metaclass__ = ClrTypeMetaclass
  _clrnamespace = "DevHawk.IronPython.ClrTypeSeries"

  def __init__(self, name, cost, quantity):
    self.name = name
    self.cost = cost
    self.quantity = quantity

  def calc_total(self):
    return self.cost * self.quantity

You can verify this code has custom CLR metadata by calling GetType on a Product instance and inspecting the result via standard reflection techniques.

>>> m = Product('Crunchy Frog', 10, 20)
>>> m.GetType().Name
>>> m.GetType().FullName

Great, so now I have a custom CLR type for my Python class. Unfortunately, at this point it’s pretty useless. Next, I’m going to add instance fields to the CLR type.

__clrtype__ Metaclasses: IronPython Classes Under the Hood

Before we start using __clrtype__ metaclasses, we need to understand a bit about how IronPython maps between CLR types and Python classes. IronPython doesn’t support Reflection based APIs or custom attributes today because IronPython doesn’t emit a custom CLR types for every Python class. Instead, it typically shares a single CLR type across many Python classes. For example, all three of these Python classes share a single underlying CLR type.

class shop(object):

class cheese_shop(shop):
  def have_cheese(self, cheese_type):
    return False

class argument_clinic(object):
  def is_right_room(self, room=12):
    return "I've told you once"

import clr
print clr.GetClrType(shop).FullName
print clr.GetClrType(cheese_shop).FullName
print clr.GetClrType(argument_clinic).FullName

Even though cheese_shop inherits from shop and argument_clinic inherits from object, all three classes share the same underlying CLR type. On my machine, running IronPython 2.6 Alpha 1, that type is named IronPython.NewTypes.System.Object_1$1.

IronPython can share the CLR type across multiple Python classes because that CLR type has no code specific to a given Python class. CLR types are immutable – once you build a CLR type, you can’t do things like add new methods, remove existing method or change the inheritance hierarchy. But all those things are legal to do in Python. Here, I’m creating an instance of the cheese_shop class, but then changing that instance to be an argument_clinic instance instead.

>>> cs = cheese_shop()

>>> cs.have_cheese("Venezuelan Beaver Cheese")
>>> cs.is_right_room(12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'cheese_shop' object has no attribute 'is_right_room'

>>> # Change the object's class at runtime
>>> cs.__class__ = argument_clinic # don't try this in C#!

>>> cs.have_cheese("Venezuelan Beaver Cheese")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'argument_clinic' object has no attribute 'have_cheese'
>>> cs.is_right_room(12)
"I've told you once"

When you call a method on a Python object, the name is resolved by walking a series of dictionaries. First, the dictionary of the object itself is searched for the method name. Assuming the name isn’t in the object dictionary, Python then looks in the __class__ dictionary. If it’s not there, Python recursively looks through the base classes stored in the __bases__ tuple until it finds the method or the name fails to resolve. If we re-assign __class__ at run time, we change the dictionary Python uses to resolve method names.

There are cases where IronPython generates a new underlying CLR type. For example, if you build a Python class that inherits from a CLR type, then IronPython will have to generate a new underlying CLR type that inherits from the CLR type in order to remain compatible. IronPython automatically overrides all the virtual methods of the base type, implementing the same dynamic method dispatch that I described above. This lets you pass the IronPython class wherever the base CLR type is expected.

The ability to swap Python classes at runtime depends on having the same underlying CLR type. If the underlying CLR type doesn’t match, then assigning a new value to the __class__ field of an object will fail. This applies both to IronPython classes that inherit from CLR types as well as __clrtype__ metaclass types. In the code I’ll be blogging, I always generate a unique CLR type for every Python class, which means that I can’t dynamically retype the object. Given that the point of __clrtype__ metaclasses is to generate static type information, this hardly seems like a limitation. However, it’s something to be aware of as we explore the __clrtypes__ feature.

Introducing __clrtype__ Metaclasses

Everyone knows Anders announced at PDC08 that C# 4.0 will include new features (aka the dynamic keyword + the DLR) that makes it much easier for C# to call into dynamically typed code. What you probably don’t know is that IronPython 2.6 includes a new feature that makes it easier for IronPython code to be called by statically typed code.

While the vast majority of .NET is available to IronPython, there are certain APIs that just don’t work with dynamic code. In particular, any code that uses Reflection over an object’s CLR type metadata won’t work with IronPython. For example, while WPF supportsICustomTypeDescriptor, Silverlight only supports data binding against reflectable properties. Furthermore, any code that uses custom attributes inherently uses Reflection. For example, Darrel Hawley recently blogged a WCF host he wrote in IronPython, but he wrote the WCF service in C#. You can’t write WCF services in IronPython because WCF expects service classes to be adorned with ServiceContract and OperationContract attributes (among many others). IronPython users want access to use these APIs. Support for custom attributes is one of the most common requests we get – it’s currently the 5th highest vote getter among open issues.

In IronPython 2.6, we’re adding the ability to customize the CLR type of Python classes. This means you can add custom attributes, emit properties, whatever you want. For those of you who’ve been dreaming of implementing WCF services or databinding in Silverlight purely in IronPython, then this is the feature for you.

In a nutshell, IronPython 2.6 extends Python’s metaclass feature that lets you to customize the creation of classes. In the metaclass, you can implement an IronPython-specific method __clrtype__ which returns a custom System.Type of your own creation that IronPython will then use as the underlying CLR type of the Python class. Implementing __clrtype__ gives you the chance to implement whatever reflectable metadata you need: constructors, fields, properties, methods, events, custom attributes, nested classes, whatever.

Over a series of posts, I’ll be demonstrating this new feature and implement some common scenario requests – including Silverlight databinding and WCF services – purely in Python. Quick warning: __clrtype__ uses low level features like Python metaclasses, Reflection.Emit and DLR Binders so these posts will be deeper technically than usual. Don’t worry – this isn’t the API interface we expect everyone to use. Eventually, we want to have an easy to use API that will sit on top of the low-level __clrtype__ hook.