Doug on Matrix Reloaded

I think that [DevHawk] is missing a set — those who get most of the movie (the W. brothers are good at hiding subtle things but the core philosophic underpinnings are fairly evident) and still find the experience lacking. I don’t hate the film, but it is far, far cry from the original and even the AniMatrix shorts that I have seen in variety of different areas. I will enumerate my issues sometime after I see it again next week — since I want to reserve the right to change my mind.
[Doug Purdy’s Weblog]

I was afraid of that. Doug’s forgotten more about philosophy than I will ever know. Looking forward to your bug list.

I met Doug at MS 101 a little over 4 years ago. I had the longest hair, he had the shortest. When a speaker on WinDNA didn’t show up, Doug got up and did the talk cold.

RSS Bandit Now Supports Authenticated RSS Feeds

Dare rocks. Less than 24 hours after my request to support authenticated feeds, he’s updated RSS Bandit to support default credentials. You can either download the latest build or get the code (also need this code). That does it – I’m moving to RSS Bandit full time.

Matrix Reloaded (No Spoilers)

Saw Matrix Reloaded yesterday. Loved it, but I know I don’t get all of it – quite the mind trip. Reminds me of how I felt after seeing Brazil the first time.

Reading some of the lukewarm reviews reminds me of a conversation I had at the West LA Blockbuster Video several years ago. I was renting 12 Monkeys (another great Terry Gilliam movie). The guy in front of me in line commented that he hated the movie. I quipped that “It was above the heads of most people”. This guy, not realizing I had just insulted his intelligence, responded with an enthusiastic “Yeah!”

I think everyone who sees the Matrix Reloaded will fall into one of two categories – those that don’t get all of it the first time and hate it and those who don’t get all of it the first time and love it. I’m curious to see how well this does at the box office in the coming weeks. It will break all the records this weekend, but does it have “legs”? Most of the people who’s blogs I read have loved it. But not everyone.

At some point will we (as a blog community) declare the spoiler-free period over in order to allow for full discussion?

Authenticated RSS Feeds

I’ve got an internal customer running my WSS RSS feed generator (perhaps Scoble will be next?) and I’ve discovered a common issue with most news aggregators. They don’t handle feeds that require authentication. Windows SharePoint is designed to be a team collaboration tool. Obviously, part of team collaboration is not allowing non-team members access. I checked through the source code to RSS Bandit and discovered that while it handles many HTTP errors, including redirection and moved permanently, it doesn’t handle unauthorized. I was able to add support for credentials via one line of code (request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;). Of course, what I want is to try the default credentials first, then pop up a dialog to allow the user to enter alternative credentials. XP provides some of this plumbing, but I’m not sure how much is exposed via BCL.

Cool SQL Tool

I just added SqlBuddy to my tool list. It’s an IDE for SQL/MSDE. I’ve been looking for a low-impact replacement for SQL Server’s client tools that handles the >20% of features I need >80% of the time. As Mike @ Larkware mentions, it’s pretty immature at this point. However, it does have one (potential) killer feature – support for source control. Any changes to code – including changes to the DB – need to be in source control. The reason I say it’s a potential killer feature is that so far, it looks like it only has an option dialog for specifying your VSS location – nothing that I see in the IDE supports source control…yet.