Hanging in Hobbiton

TechEd New Zealand is at the Sky City Convention Center – part of Sky City Auckland which includes casinos, shops, restaurants and a hotel where we are staying. Feels sort of like a Vegas hotel, as if they don’t expect you to spend much time in the rooms. For example, there is very little dresser space – I’m guessing the typical guest comes for just a weekend. But it’s very nice. Sky City Tower is the highest tower in the southern hemisphere. There’s a restaurant at the top where we went last night for the speaker’s dinner. You can also jump off the tower in a rig similar to what stuntmen use. It’s the tallest basejump in the world – 192 meters straight down. I have no interest in that whatsoever, but Jules wants to do it. I think the only thing keeping her from trying it is the fact that I don’t think I could watch, which means I couldn’t videotape it.

Yesterday, we rented a car and drove across the New Zealand countryside, even though they drive on the left side of the road here. It took me a while to get used to it, but I think I did OK – no accidents, no near misses and only caught myself on the wrong side of the road once. I’m glad we upgraded to an automatic – I can’t imagine shifting with my left hand! Hardest thing was staying in the lane, since everything was backwards. I kept wanting to have a car width between me and the right edge of the lane, which meant I kept ending up half in the next lane over (or on the shoulder). Jules almost yanked the door handle off – she said it was very unnerving to sit in what back home is the drivers seat and yet have no control. By the end of the day, however, Jules and I had both adjusted quite well to driving on the “wrong” side of the road, thank you very much.

We drove two hours to Matamata, which is where the Hobbiton sequences of LOTR were filmed. Matamata itself is pretty small – 6,000 city residents with another 7,000 in the surrounding “suburbs”. I’m fairly sure that more people work on MSFT’s main campus. Sort of gives you a different perspective of scale – Matamata doesn’t even have a stoplight – just a series of traffic circles along their main drag. In fact, in five hours of driving around NZ, we saw exactly one stoplight outside of Auckland – controlling traffic across a one lane bridge! Many of the shops in Matamata were closed, seemingly for the winter. I’m guessing there are a lot more tourists in the summer – Matamata has it’s own KFC and Subway is “opening soon”. We ate at a local bakery where you can get a wide variety of fried food – fish, chicken and crab. They sure like fried food here – at dinner last night, we were served fried mashed potatoes.

While most of LOTR was filmed on the southern island of New Zealand, Hobbiton was filmed on a 500 hectare sheep farm just outside of Matamata. The owners of said sheep farm run official tours where you get to spend around an hour and a half wandering around the remains of the set. “Remains” is the operative word here as over half of Hobbiton was destroyed after filming was completed. All of it was scheduled to be destroyed, but the production company only got half done before the weather forced them to stop. They were going to come back and finish the job, but the farm owners petitioned New Line Cinema for permission to keep the rest up and run tours. In fact, of the 150+ locations used in LOTR, only Hobbiton was not completely returned to its natural state. Most of the locations used were national parks and the like, so keeping the sets up wasn’t really an option. New Line also seems to be very concerned that no one “leverage” the sets. For example, as you can see from the pictures, the hobbit holes are pretty much holes in the side of a hill now – all of the set dressing has been removed. The tour guide indicated that they would like to return the set to as it appeared in the movie, but New Line won’t let them. The legal aspect of the set is interesting – the land belongs to the farm owners, but the sets on that land belong to New Line. Their control of the sets seems a bit draconian to me – it is absolutely forbidden to record any sort of story reenactment in the remaining set pieces – but hey, it’s their IP. Regardless, it was awesome. We stood under the Party Tree, “danced” on the Party Field and stood inside Bag End.

TechEd NZ Student Day

We arrived this morning at 5am after a relatively uneventful flight to Auckland. Our flight from Seattle to LA was late, so we had to make a mad dash to the international terminal. It didn’t help that the guy at the Qantas desk was to busy flirting w/ a co-worker to remember to hand me back my passport. <sigh> But I got it back and all went well on the 12 hour flight. Patrick was so good! Slept most of the way there and was an angel when he was awake. Jules and I even got a few winks.

I just finished presenting Metropolis as part of TechEd NZ’s Student Day. Sort of wierd to present Metropolis to students – the rest of the agenda was either dev focused or “cool” tech like personal media centers and Xbox games. Seemed to get a good reaction, tho. Talked to a few people afterwards who liked it. There was one guy who tried to set me up on the topic of structure data standardization by asking my opinion of standardizing word document formats. He was unaware that we have published Word’s XML format. On top of that, I’m not sure how having a standardized doc format helps in SOA. Documents are unstructured data – one of the key points of Metropolis is the value of standardized structured data formats. Knowning where the paragraph breaks are doesn’t help you understand a contract.

It’s almost 5:30pm here, but my body thinks it’s 10:30pm yesterday, so I’m off to dinner w/ Jules and Patrick. The weekend is for sightseeing so look for me back here on Monday.

Architecture Down Under

I’m off for New Zealand today. I’m presenting at TechEd New Zealand and TechEd Australia next week. They’ve got it set up nice – present in Auckland Friday and Monday, fly to Australia Tuesday, then present in Canberra Wenesday and Thursday. I’m presenting Metropolis and Data in SOA – the same talks I did at TechEd US. After that, I’m off for a week in Sydney with family. Jules & Patrick are coming with, and my mom is meeting up with us in Australia. So things may be pretty slow around here, especially that second week.

In prepration for this trip, I cleaned out my inbox for the first time in, well, ever. Granted, most of it was simply moved to local archive folders, but I did actually throw out everything in my deleted items folders. Typcially, I run bouncing up against my 200 MB mailbox quota. As of yesterday afternoon, I was at 26 MB. I haven’t had my inbox that empty in five years. Of course, two weeks of unread and unanswered email will fill that up real quick.

The Nerd, the Suit and the Fortune Teller

Arvindra and Clemens both blogged “The Nerd, the Suit and the Fortune Teller”, a hilarious piece of theater performed at TechEd Amsterdam a few weeks ago. Clemens plays the nerd, Rafal Lukawiecki the suit and Pat Helland the fortune teller. We’ve got the video up on the web, you can access it from Pat’s site. Between this and Mr. CIO Guy, sounds like TechEd Amsterdam was a blast. Mental note: next year, make it to Europe for TechEd!

Vonage and Skype

I need to start using more communication tools on the internet. Yesterday I researched Vonage and downloaded Skype. Given how much I use my mobile phone, I don’t think I need to spend so much on my home phone system. Vonage is much cheaper than my current phone provider – only $30 a month – which includes unlimited calling in the US. It’s got neat features like virtual numbers, so multiple numbers in different area codes all point to the same phone. And while it provides unlimited US calling, the phone doesn’t have to be in the US. So if my brother-in-law in Germany got it, he could call all his family in the US for free. A teammate has it, and said it works pretty well. Anyone else out there using it? If I got it, I’d like to use it with the existing phone wiring in the house. My cable box has to dial up to download program listings. I think it would be funny to use an analog model over the broadband connection.

As for Skype, lots of people have blogged that, so I won’t bother to here, except to point out that Skype 1.0 is now available (released today). Feel free to skype me, though it doesn’t appear to work through the corporate firewall.

Update: I should have realized, but there are other choices in the internet telephone business. Lingo caught my eye – only $20 a month for unlimited calling to the US, Canada and Western Europe (which includes Germany where my afore-mentioned brother-in-law lives). Anyone on Lingo? Also, I’m not sure why, but you can only call landlines in Europe as part of the unlimited calling plan. I also noticed that calling mobile phones in Europe on Vonage is more expensive. Why is that?