Mac asked
to respond to Booch’s doubts about
in his blog. This is at least the second time Booch expressed his
skepticism about DSLs, having also done
back in May. The upshot of Booch’s argument is that the semantics across
all stakeholder viewpoints must be common.
“There is no doubt that different domains and different stakeholders
are best served by visualizations that best speak their language…but
there is tremendous value in having a common underlying semantic model
for all such stakeholders. Additionally, the UML standard permits
different visualizations, so if one follows the path of pure DSLs, you
essentially end up having to recreate the UML itself again, which
seems a bit silly given the tens of thousand of person-hours already
invested in creating the UML as an open, public standard.” (Grady
Booch, Expansion of the
May 21st 2004)
“[W]hile I agree that development is a team sport and that multiple
stakeholders must collaborate in weaving together their diverse,
interdependent views, one still needs to have a common semantic basis
for all those languages. If you accept that not unreasonable position,
you will end up covering the identical semantic ground as has the UML
– albeit in an open manner, quite unlike Microsoft’s historical
record.” (Grady Booch, Domain-specific
Oct 25th, 2004)
Stuart responded to this
argument back
in May:
“[Booch] seems to imply that a domain specific-language is just about
having a different graphical notation – that the semantics that
underpin different DSLs is in fact the same – only the notation
changes…[W]hat if the semantic model excludes the concepts that the
stakeholders actually want to express?…Surprise, surprise, there are
differences from one domain to another, from one organization to
another. Far from there being a common semantics, there are
significant and actual differences between the interpretations of
models being taken.” (Stuart Kent, Domain Specific Modelling. Is UML
really the best tool for the
job?, May
26th, 2004)
In other words, Booch’s argument against DSL’s falls apart if we don’t
have common semantics across all phases of the system’s lifecycle. And
frankly, we don’t. Furthermore, Booch offers no explanation as to why
you need a common semantic model across all the stakeholders, instead
choosing to call it a “not unreasonable position”. Sorry, but I’m not
ready to accept the need for a common semantic model as an axiom. I will
accept that you need traceability between viewpoints, but I think that
is more readily achievable by precise transformations between viewpoints
than by a common semantic model of all stakeholder viewpoints.
Common semantic model starts to sound too much like “monolith” as far as
I’m concerned. UML 2 addresses a subset of the stakeholder’s viewpoints
and many people consider it unusable. After last year’s OOPSLA, Fowler
“Even on the MDA panel at OOPSLA, the pro-MDA speakers based their
assumptions on the fact that they would be using a simplified subset of
UML”. If we can’t get a single usable semantic model across UML 2, how
are we going to have a single usable semantic model across all the
stakeholder viewpoints? Booch paints a pretty rosy picture of UML , but
I think the reality of UML is much less attractive, certainly according
to the customers I’ve spoken to.