But I Don’t Think 18 Is A Catchy Title

Tanya pointed out the other day that having a DVR causes you to watch a lot more TV. Case in point: 24. I missed the first three seasons. I never knew when it was on and once you miss a single episode, you’re kinda done. Now that I have a DVR, I’ve haven’t missed any of season four. Furthermore, the first three seasons are available on DVD, so not only am I watching more TV from this season, I’m catching up on previous seasons. We just finished season one tonight.

[Note - there are some first season spoilers here - not big ones, but some nonetheless]

First off, there is alot of filler – at least in season one. There are long sequences (the girls escaping from the kidnappers leaps to mind) where there’s all this action and suspense, but everything ends up back where they started. Secondly, by the end I thought it was over the top on the amount of resources the bad guys had. I mean, they kidnap his daughter again? Maybe it bothered me more because I watched the whole season over a couple of weeks, instead of several months. Finally, the story flow really feels off – but that’s the nature of the real-time format. In a more typical series, there’s a slow build towards a final confrontation with a collection of connected yet distinct stories. But 24 is like a single 24 hour long movie, except that it doesn’t have a clearly defined 3 act structure. It kust puts the pedal to the metal at around episode four and doesn’t let up. That’s not as exciting as it sounds – stuff just happens…and keeps happening. There’s no time for reflection or anticipation which makes it much more difficult to enjoy the story.

I realize part of the show’s gimick is that it’s a full 24 hours. But really, I think the story – at least season one’s story – would have been better told in 14-18 hours. Of course, that won’t stop me from watching the current season or starting in on season two.

Rory Gets The Scoop

…And I’m laughing so hard that I can barely type.

Read This.

Getting Things Done

A few weeks ago, I got a chance to see David Allen present his Getting Things Done methodology. It really struck a chord with me, in many ways because it’s seems like such a basic point. I would describe GTD as a way of dealing with the fact that our brains haven’t evolved to deal with the details of modern day life. Face it, our brains evolved in a time when our big concerns of the day were finding food and not getting eaten.  It’s just not designed to keep the millions of picky little details that make up life today in order.

I’ve only just started reading the book, but I’ve been trying to apply what I’ve learned. I haven’t reached “Mind Like Water” yet, but I have knocked my inbox down from 400+ emails to 20. I’ve been taking it slowly – cleaning out all the new stuff plus 10-20 of the backlog every day. I’m doing it on my own – there’s a GTD addin for Outlook, but I just hated it. One of the principles of GTD is to get the stuff out of your head and into a system that you trust. Frankly, when the GTD addin started hiding my email, I couldn’t trust it anymore. So instead, I do my own thing with Outlook – heavy on the task list of course. And so far so good.

Note to self, check out Jeff’sGTD wiki

NHL Players – Do Any Of Them Have Any Common Sense?

“[H]ow many [people] can actually stand up and shout to the world that they let a BILLION DOLLARS in cash disappear into thin air?

I couldnt  name one off the top of my head that has lost cash money of 1 billion dollars or more, until today.

Congratulations Bob Goodenow, President of the NHL Players Association. You turned down 30 teams paying what would probably average out to 35mm dollars in salary per team for this year. Thats more than $ 1,000,000,000.00 in cash that would have been paid to NHL players this year.”

[Blog Maverick – How to Lose 1 Billion Dollars]

I guess it’s not surprising that the owner of the Dallas Mavericks sides with the owners. But he brings up an interesting point – the players are giving up money that they will never get back. And it’s more than a billion – the final league proposal was for each team to pay a maximum of $44.7 Million. Times 30 teams equals ONE AND A THIRD BILLION DOLLARS.

Even the league’s Feb 2nd proposal, which the players dismissed out of hand, guaranteed the players would receive a minimum of 53% of league reveues. Assuming $2.1 billion in revenue – which obviously the league won’t get back to for a long time – means the players would have received over $1.1 billion dollars.

The players have short careers (I think the average is four years) and are losing much more by not playing than the owners are. Even if you don’t believe the owners are losing less by not playing, I can’t imagine anyone believes the owners were making money hand over fist – i.e. the way the players are. How much common sense does it take for the players to realize the gravy train is over and forcing the owners to lock them out isn’t going to change that fact?

Atom Is Used More Than I Thought

When I upgraded to DasBlog 1.7.2, I had to create an empty rss.aspx file on disk to fool the Title Mapper (that’s the part the handles the new title based URLs) into not looking for a post with the title “rss”. I knew that a large number of people read my post via the RSS feed, so I didn’t want to break what has been the feed address since DevHawk started. However, I didn’t think the atom feed would matter as much, so I didn’t bother to do the workaround for atom.aspx. Turns out I was wrong. Atom.aspx was requested nearly once a minute between 11pm and 12am yesterday. I got tired of counting, but I’m guessing that number is even higher during the middle of the day since just over half of my traffic comes from the US + Canada. So I created an empty atom.aspx page to fool the Title Mapper even further.

Now, will I have to do the same for my CDF feed?