Thoughts on Election Day

I’ve had a few days to savor the Democrat landslide victory this past Tuesday. I was half right about the razor thin majorities. Democrats have a slim two seat advantage in the senate, but a fairly significant thirty-four seat majority in the house (with ten races undecided). Given that the Republicans had a twenty-eight seat majority in the last congress, that’s a pretty significant turnaround for the Democrats. Frankly, I’m pretty excited.

Here are a few short takes on the election:

  • We can close the book on Rove’s “permanent republican majority” pipe dream. America isn’t a conservative country. It isn’t a liberal country, either. It’s a moderate country. Liberal and conservative are the words we use to describe the direction one diverges from the middle ground. This election was decided by the moderates in this country, which isn’t surprising as the bell curve tells us that it’s the moderates who are in the majority. Political parties ignore the middle at their own peril.
  • Democrats didn’t win the election on Tuesday, the Republicans lost it. Hard working moderate Americans have limited tolerance for ineptitude and corruption, as the Democrats found out in ’94 and the Republicans found out this week. There are those on the left howling for elephant blood, but spending time exacting revenge on the Republicans won’t solve any of America’s hard problems. The Democrats are talking like they realize this, but actions speak louder than words.
  • Speaking of actions and words, President Bush talked a good talk Wednesday, but I’ll believe President “The Decider” Bush honestly wants to “work with the new Congress in a bipartisan way” when I see it. Trying to push John Bolton’s confirmation as well as retroactive authorization for the warrantless wiretapping program through congress before Democrats officially take control isn’t a promising start.
  • There’s no such thing as a political party that actively works for limited government. It isn’t that surprising, as it violates my Numero Uno theory. Individuals may want limited government, but there’s no way a government entity like a political party will actively work to reduce their own importance. Republicans claim to be for shrinking the federal government, but their actions contradict that claim. Republicans like Reagan and Bush cut taxes, but they never actually cut spending to match. As such, the Federal Debt / GDP ratio has about doubled in the past 18 years, with the only reduction coming while Clinton was in office. Claiming to cut taxes without cutting spending is like claiming you’re making more money because you’re not paying your mortgage. Republicans aren’t cutting taxes, they’re deferring them. It’s time to realize that you can’t starve the beast and move on to more pragmatic policies. Better a tax-and-spend liberal than a borrow-and-spend conservative.

Update: In the interest of bipartisanship, here are some less than reputable Democrats poised to take key positions in the new Democrat controlled congress. Making someone with a congressional impeachment or under FBI investigation the chair of a congressional committee isn’t a promising start to “draining the swamp”.

Common Ground with My Conservative Teammates

I came in this morning to discover my boss and next cube neighbor Rick had decided to spruce up his cube with camo netting. He’s ex-Army, so it’s not like it’s out of character for him. Of course, the camo netting has the exact opposite of it’s indented effect, making Rick’s cube very easy to find in the farm.

Unlike my last team, most of my teammates are conservatives. But apparently we can find common ground in our opinions of Defense Secretary Rumsfeld. Rick called him an abysmal failure. I couldn’t agree more. Dale joked that Rumsfeld was joining our team and moving into Rick’s newly camo festooned cube. Rick countered that Rumsfeld was actually joining the Enterprise Architecture group. Heh.

Update: Dale points out he made the joke about Rumsfeld joining EA, not Rick. My bad Dale.

Certainly Not Politics As Usual

Today is the Midterm Elections here in the United States. If the pre-election day polls are to be believed, it looks like good news for the Democrats and bad news for the Republicans. The big question is whether the news is good/bad enough for Democrats to take control of one or both houses of Congress. I guess we’ll know by tonight.

But this post isn’t about the midterms. Don’t get me wrong, I hope the Democrats take back both houses of congress. But whoever ends up controlling Congress will have a thin majority at best, which will limit their ability to accomplish much. Frankly, the only area that I would expect to see much traction is on issues where moderate Republicans can reach across the aisle and vote with the Democrats in order to distance themselves from President Bush’s abysmal approval ratings.

I’m much more interested in the 2008 presidential campaign. For the first time in over 50 years, it will be a wide open race for both parties. Neither the sitting president nor the vice president will be running for president in 2008. The last time this happened was in 1952. President Harry Truman (D) dropped out of the race after losing the New Hampshire primary and Vice President Alben Barkley never had enough support to win the nomination. The Democratic nomination went to Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson who lost to General Eisenhower in a landslide. Since then, the incumbent president or vice president has always been his party’s nominee for president.

Until now. Well, until two years from now at any rate. So while not completely unprecedented, this is the first time we’ve had a completely wide open race since the start of the Information Age. In other words, it’s the first time we’ve had a wide open race since the advent of cable TV, personal computers, 24 news networks, Rush Limbaugh, the Internet, weblogs, Wikipedia and YouTube. I’m sure some have already started calling this Politics 2.0. And while I’m tired of the “2.0″ moniker, certainly big changes is underway in the political arena.

So what happens when you combine the harsh sunlight of a decentralized and demassivied media with a wide open race with no clear favorite from either party? I’m guessing a very ugly race, especially from the Republicans. Both parties do negative ads, but they have become a “key strategy in the Republican political arsenal“. (The NRCC apparently spent “more than 90 percent of its $50 million-plus advertising budget” on negative ads this year.) I expect 2008 will be even worse. And not just the presidential race itself, but also the race for each party’s nomination. In some ways, the nomination race will be worse, since you expect politicians to have bad things to say about candidates from the opposing party.

If the next two years are filled with party infighting with every detail chronicled in the blogosphere and/or the mainstream media – and I fully expect that’s what will happen – we are in for a very ugly campaign ahead. Brace yourselves.

Slight Workflow Annoyance

One of the cool things about WF is that you can specify the GUID it uses to identify a workflow instance. WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow has an overload (actually two) where you can specify said workflow instance identifier. This is awesome for using WF with Service Broker, as Service Broker already has the idea of a conversation group which is roughly analogous to a workflow instance. Conversation groups even use a GUID identifier, so there’s not even any mapping required to go from conversation group to workflow instance.

However, things get less cool when you call WorkflowRuntime.GetWorkflow. If you call GetWorkflow with a GUID that has no corresponding workflow instance, it throws an InvalidOperationException instead of just returning null. That seems like an odd choice. If you’re going to support specifying the instance identifier when you create the workflow instance, doesn’t it make sense that you should also gracefully support the scenario where an instance identifier is invalid?

I see two ways to deal with this:

  • Iterate through the list of loaded and persisted workflow instances looking for the one in question.
  • Call GetWorkflow and swallow the exception.

I ended up picking the “Swallow the Exception” approach as I can’t imagine the iteration thru every loaded and persisted instance would be very performant. But swallowing exceptions always makes me feel icky. I’m a fan of the “exceptions only for exceptional situations” approach and as far as I’m concerned, an invalid instance identifier isn’t that exceptional. Still, it’s a minor annoyance, especially given how cool it is to be able to specify the workflow instance identifier in the first place.

The Two Types of Service Architects

Tomas Restrepo comments on my recent SSB and WCF posts:

Harry Pierson asks how well WCF supports long running tasks. He suggests that WCF does not support them very well, and says that’s one reason he likes SQL Server Service Broker so much. I’d say SSSB is a good match only as long as the long running tasks you’re going to be executing are purely database driven and can be executed completely within the database. Sure, this is an “expanded universe” with the CLR support in SQL Server 2005, but even so it makes me nervous at times 😄

You could also consider using a custom service with MSMQ or something like BizTalk Server for this if you had long running processes that were not completely tied to the DB (or a single DB for that matter).

Sam Gentile follows up:

In that same post, but I needed to call it out separate, Tomas rightfully says, “I’d say SSSB is a good match only as long as the long running tasks you’re going to be executing are purely database driven and can be executed completely within the database,” in response to Harry liking Service Broker so much. Talk about a narrow edge case. That’s way I never really got excited or cared about Service Broker. Its a narrow solution to a special edge case when everything is database driven and can be executed totally inside the database. That’s the old Microsoft Data-Driven Architecture for sure. Me, I’d rather have a rich Domain-Driven architecture most of the time. Then if you have Oracle databases in your architecture too, where does it leave you? Nowhere.

As you might expect, I have a few comments,  clarifications and corrections.

First, Tomas’ statement that Service Broker only supports service logic “executed completely within the database” in flat out wrong. Service Broker can be used from any environment that can connect to SQL Server and execute DML statements. If you can call SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, then you can also call BEGIN DIALOG/SEND/RECEIVE/END CONVERSATION. This includes Windows apps and services, web apps and services, console apps and even Java apps. Of course, you can also access Service Broker from stored procedures if you wish, but you’re not limited to them as Tomas suggested.

Tomas’ misconception may come from a feature of Service Broker called Activation. Activation is a feature of Service Broker that dynamically scales message processing to match demand. For example, Service Broker can be configured to launch a new instance of a specified stored procedure if messaging processing isn’t keeping up with incoming message traffic on a given queue. This is called internal activation and because it uses stored procedures it does execute within the database as Thomas said. Service Broker also supports external activation where it notifies an external application when activation is needed. You do have to build an application to host your service logic and handle these notifications, but that application doesn’t execute within the database. So while you could argue that it’s easier to execute your service logic within the database (no need to build a separate host app), it’s not required.

Given that you don’t have host your service logic in the database, then you’re also not limited to “a single DB” as Tomas suggests. You don’t, in fact, have to put your Service Broker queues in the same database with your business data. So if you have Oracle in your environment, like the scenario Sam mentioned, you would host your service logic in an external application that processed messages from a queue in a SQL 2005 database while accessing and modifying business data from tables in the Oracle database. Using multiple databases does require using distributed instead of local transactions, but if you’re using MSMQ as Tomas recommended, you’re already stuck with the DTC anyway.

Finally, I didn’t get Tomas’ “purely database driven” or Sam’s “everything is database driven” comments at all. While there are exceptions, the vast majority of systems I’ve ever seen/built/designed have essentially been one or more stateless tiers sitting in front of a stateful database. If it’s a traditional three tier web app, there’s a stateless presentation tier, a stateless business logic tier and a stateless data access logic tier. For a web service, there’s no presentation tier, but there’s is the stateless SOAP processing tier typically provided by the web service stack. Does this mean the vast majority of web apps and services are  “purely database driven” too? If so, then I guess it’s a good thing, right?

In the end, maybe there are two types of service architects – those that believe the majority of services will be atomic and those that believe the majority of services will be long running. For atomic services, Service Broker is overkill. But if it turns out that most services are long running, WCF’s lack of support is going to be a pretty big roadblock.

I’m obviously in the long running camp. I’m not sure, but I get the feeling this is the less popular camp, at least for now. We’ll have to wait to see, but I do know is that whenever someone brings me what they think is an atomic business scenario, it doesn’t take much digging to reveal that the atomic scenario is actually a single step of a long running business scenario that also needs to be automated.

Here’s a question for Tomas, Sam and the rest of you: Which group do you self select into? Are most services going to be atomic or long running in the (pardon the pun) long run?