TechEd 2007 – Day Two Morning

My session yesterday went very well, especially considering I did no prep whatsoever. Drew a fairly good sized audience – people were sitting on the floor and standing in the back, though honestly the TLC “theaters” only hold about 50 chairs. Most of them stayed the for whole session – at least until I started to run over (only 15 minutes, not too bad).

After my session, I ended up talking to a customer from a large home loan firm for about two hours. Turns out we had a friend in common, a guy I used to work with a long time ago @ ModaCad named Brian. This is actually the second time I’ve run into someone at a major Microsoft conference who has a single degree of Brian, which is a little freaky.

For dinner, I went out with some MS field architects and some customers. We ended up having such a big group, we split up into two tables and somehow my table had four MS employees and only one customer. But that customer was from a very large retail firm and we had lots to talk about. Ate way too much, though I didn’t combine that with drinking too much. And, as a bonus, I didn’t tell the customer than any of their ideas were “stupid”, as my friend Christoph pointed out I had done the last time I was out to dinner with one of his customers. (That customer wanted to run Java on their mainframe. I stand by my assessment.)

I was planning to head up to my room, but ran into Jon Flanders in the lobby. Hadn’t seen Jon since the class I took with him last fall, so I ended up hanging out with him for several hours, chatting up the folks we knew who walked by, including Rocky, Bob and Brian. I realized I’ve been heads down with no speaking or travel for about a year, so it’s been a while since I had seen many of these folks. For example, I hadn’t seen Brian in about three years when we were both presenting at TechEd New Zealand. The downside of hanging out in the lobby is that I didn’t get any code written last night, which I was sort of planning to do when I headed back to the hotel. But chatting with these folks – esp. Jon this time – helps be figure out what I want to write anyway, so I guess it’s worth it! 😄

I ended up sleeping in this morning (still jet lagged) and skipping the morning session. No second keynote this year, which I didn’t realize until I looked at the conf guide this morning. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

TechEd 2007 – Day One Morning

Being at TechEd without thousands of things to worry about is somewhat strange. But I could get used to coming and going as I please, not tracking down speakers, ordering whiteboards and the rest of the responsibility that comes with track ownership.

My first session is right after lunch – 1:15 @ Green TLC Theater 4 if you’re on site. Our Technical Learning Center (aka “the cabana”) is fairly sparsely attended, at least for the moment. MSIT has never had this significant a presence at TechEd before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the attendees aren’t quite sure what to make of it. I went over to the Architecture and SOA & Web Services area and ran into quite a few people I knew. I expect I’ll spend more time down there than in my cabana.

I skipped the keynote this morning, apparently they did a Back to the Future parody. Had I known, I might have gotten up. But my flight got in at midnight last night, I didn’t get to the hotel until 1am and an 8:30 keynote on the east coast feels like a 5:30 keynote to my still jet-lagged system. Since I skipped it, I’m not sure what was announced, but the opening press release salvo mentions the first CTP of SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 (aka the Visual Studio version formally known as “Orcas”) and the Open XML SDK among other things. I’ve been hacking some Open XML lately, so I’ll have to check that last thing out. Apparently, there was some also discussion of the Dynamic Systems Initiative, but in the press release it came across as Infrastructure Optimization. Not sure if those are one in the same or not.

BTW, for those not attending TechEd, you can check out Virtual TechEd and the TechEd Virtual Pressroom. Not the same as being here – no conversations, no swag and no roller coasters. But at least you can keep up on what’s being announced, presented and spoken about.

I’m off to lunch. Missing the keynotes == missing breakfast. My session is in about an hour, so I’ll probably post again afterwards. I’m hoping for more conversation and less presentation, so the only prep I’ve done is to iron my speaker shirt.