DSL Tools Web Chat

I’m still digging out my inbox after my two week vacation. I’m down to 134 items from nearly 400 this morning. I was at 16 before I left. If it gets this bad in two weeks, what’s going to happen when I take my four week paternity leave?

While I’m getting up to date on email, I am way way way behind on blog reading. But I did see that Gareth is promoting a web chat about the DSL toolkit tomorrow at 9am Pacific time. Here’s the abstract:

Using the Domain-Specific Languages Tools for Visual Studio 2005

Domain-specific language tools lay the foundation for software factories by providing a framework and a set of tools for delivering domain-specific visual designers that plug into Visual Studio Team System. These designers could be tools for industry verticals, such as the health care or telecommunications industries or, they could be tools for development across numerous disciplines, such as object-oriented modeling and architecture. The Microsoft Tools for Domain-Specific Languages is part of the Visual Studio 2005 SDK.

Now if we could just get a copy of the DSL toolkit that runs on Beta 2!